He composes hip hop and R& B
"REASON" is his tool.
Too old not to do a job
winks when I reprimand him
for his in-activeness.
Society expects the children of the teachers
to be at top levels! How troublesome !
I avoid the gaze of my friends on the bus,
dreading that they will inquire about my son,
He has a phobia
of exams of any kind:
Used to fall ill a lot
during his term
His favorite doctor looks at me
with a question mark in his eyes:
indicating that
It is rather psychological than physical.
With a broken heart,
Return home with medication.
Yet:When his aththa
fell ill
He spent a whole week in hospital
looking after him like a baby.
He was the friend of
all the old men in that ward
fetching them all they need.
A cup of tea from the canteen:
a packet of Cream Crackers
from the nearby boutique:
Calls to their sons and daughters (Though I suffered)
Takes his own time to complete the degree
doing everything he can to postpone the exams.
I , wait helplessly
thinking what I can do to change the situation!
But Whatever you do,
I love you!
The GRASSHOPPER of mine!
(Luckily for me the situation has changed. He is doing a job now while continuing his studies.)
(Luckily for me the situation has changed. He is doing a job now while continuing his studies.)